I'm reading the book 'extravagant worship' by Darleen Zschech. I only started this weekend and I think I might keep you up with this cause it's been so good already.
I was gone for the weekend (I'll put some pictures up from that later, too). On Sunday we went to a church and the sermon was about the book of Revelations, but at one point the guy was talking about sacrifice and somehow I was thinking about the people in the old testament that didn't worship the God of Israel and sacrificed their children, it must have been incredibly hard for them. But they probably believed in what they did and so they gave their - maybe most precious - thing away.
And then I was thinking how I only think singing and raising my hands is worship. And I knew the whole time that sacrifice is worship, and by the way, I'm not saying i'll sacrifice my children one day, but I'm having such a heart for worship but when I say that I'm always just talking about the music-part. but really, there is so much more to it as I discovered last weekend.
Sacrificing time, dreams, money, clothes, thoughts and all these things!
I mean, of course it's not done by simply giving things away, it's all about your heart attitude but I have to admit that a lot of the times I 'sacrificed' something in the past, I did it cause I knew it was right - which is not bad - but I want to be able to do it out of adoration!
'What can I say - I'm a woman in love.' That's out f the book, but that's me, too! And I want to do and give things to the one I love, and to be able to not only do that in singing-worship..is a completely new..horizon..haha.
I mean..I knew that the before and I did it..but I got this new view on it, and I'm loving it!
I hope this is making sense to some of you.
peace out.