28. Januar 2013

snow flurries - god made every SINGLE snowflake?

Extravagant Worship

I'm reading the book 'extravagant worship' by Darleen Zschech. I only started this weekend and I think I might keep you up with this cause it's been so good already.
I was gone for the weekend (I'll put some pictures up from that later, too). On Sunday we went to a church and the sermon was about the book of Revelations, but at one point the guy was talking about sacrifice  and somehow I was thinking about the people in the old testament that didn't worship the God of Israel and sacrificed their children, it must have been incredibly hard for them. But they probably believed in what they did and so they gave their - maybe most precious - thing away.
And then I was thinking how I only think singing and raising my hands is worship. And I knew the whole time that sacrifice is worship, and by the way, I'm not saying i'll sacrifice my children one day, but I'm having such a heart for worship but when I say that I'm always just talking about the music-part. but really, there is so much more to it as I discovered last weekend.
Sacrificing time, dreams, money, clothes, thoughts and all these things!
I mean, of course it's not done by simply giving things away, it's all about your heart attitude but I have to admit that a lot of the times I 'sacrificed' something in the past, I did it cause I knew it was right - which is not bad - but I want to be able to do it out of adoration!
'What can I say - I'm a woman in love.' That's out f the book, but that's me, too! And I want to do and give things to the one I love, and to be able to not only do that in singing-worship..is a completely new..horizon..haha.
I mean..I knew that the before and I did it..but I got this new view on it, and I'm loving it!
I hope this is making sense to some of you.
peace out.

27. Januar 2013

Interview - wwaahhhhh!! :)

Something's happening!!
I'm heaving an Interview next Thursday at a Youth Center!
God really put this place on my heart and because my best friends older brother works there I asked him if I could come over for a visit and if he could show me around a bit.
So he did.
I immediately fell in love with it!
They only started last year so they are still figuring out a lot. But the heart behind what they're doing is amazing! They have two different houses and one is more focused on going into the community and connecting with people, and it's a lot about talking to muslims so it's not very evangelical but focused on the relationships.
The other house has a 'Lounge' where students can come after school and hang out, get some good and cheap food, do their homework and stuff. It looks really nice! Very new and cool, stylish!
They also do youth-groups, kids-clubs and weekly meetings for kids and youth.
The organization that runs it is called 'CVJM' which in english would be 'YMCA'.
If they want me, I'd be connecting with the kids during lunch time trying to build relationships, because a lot of their staff are very busy cooking and doing the organizing part of the work. It would only be 5 hours a week but I'd love to do that!!
So please pray!! :)

22. Januar 2013

Jesus made me think

So I was sitting with two of my friends in my living room.
It was cold outside and we just finished a conversation and the coffee we had with it.
Both of them got out their phones and..played or what ever you do with a smart phone - I just sat in my armchair.
So I sat there thinking..not really about anything important..but after a while I thought oh my..now we're sitting here, me and two of my christian friends..and we don't ever talk about anything to do with God..so I prayed real quick in my head and there was a question.
''what do you think, why are we on earth what is our purpose?''
''relationship'' one of them said really fast.
''Ya..but, why do you have the gifts and talents you have and do you use them for yourself or..God??''
No answer..still the phones. The one that hasn't said anything yet put his phone away and looks up..''I don't know, Lena. I've never thought about that! What's yours?''
WOW! there it was.
''Hmm..I haven't really thought about it either..it just came to my mind.''

Well, I still haven't figured it all out yet and I don't think it's possible in only one day..but I'm thinking about it.
Are you doing what God made you for? Are you fulfilling your purpose..not just for yourself?

It's a hard question..and to be honest I could tell you a thousand cases where I know I used things I'm good at for my selfish desires. But I have the choice and I'm gonna change that and build God's kingdom on earth!
Cause there are times where I am, who God created me to be!! And the feeling of loving somebody or caring for somebody and knowing that this is what God wants me to do is better then anything I felt so far! :)

I want to be Jesus to people around me and in order to do that I need to use the things I CAN use!